Saturday, May 8, 2010

Water Valley Cattle Drive

Today was a great horse day. Every year Gord and I enjoy helping our friends in Water Valley, with their annual cattle drive. We drive a herd of cow/calf pairs, along with a couple of bulls, approximately 14 miles, through some really pretty country.

This is the 16th year for me, and I can honestly say, this year was the best yet. I rode Jack and I couldn't have asked for a better horse. Gord and I usually ride at the front, leading the herd, along with the mule wagon, driven by Lyle MacDonald. A couple of times we had to retrieve cows that strayed into the bush and Jack responded beautifully to everything I asked of him.

We were joking that it only took me 14 years to really get Jack well broke. What is really happening is that my horsemanship skills are finally creating the relationship I've always wanted with my horses.

Being a good horse person requires knowledge, time, experience, and lots of practice; for those of us who were not born naturally gifted horse people.

The good news for folks just starting out with horses, is that there is an abundance of learning opportunities that weren't available when I was getting started. Finding a coach you are comfortable with will shorten your learning curve immensely.

Happy spring!
Tovie and Jack


Lena said...

That sounds like a blast! How long does that drive take btw?

Unknown said...

Tovie and Gord -- it sure sounds one of those "times of our lives" on horses. Victoria and I help with cattle a couple times a year at the Corncob Ranch near Spray, Oregon -- see link:

We had a great time this weekend fixing fence -- not quite the same. :-)

Happy Trails,
Jim Konopasek