Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Dollar Finds His Perfect Person

Dollar has been for sale since August and while folks have been interested; we were committed to waiting for his perfect person to come along. When I help folks with problems they are having with their horses; and learning what they paid for those horses, it surprised me that it took so long, but it has definitely been worth the wait.

Last weekend was cold and snowy and a perfect weekend to devote to making my Saskatoon jam. Then I heard the ping of an incoming email - a response to Dollar's ad. As I read the inquiry, it turned out to be from Michelle - one of my first students. Michelle came for lessons when Just Horsing Around started up in 2007; and someone I also connected with on a personal level. After taking my initial course, Michelle went on to take riding lessons and had finally come to the point that she felt ready to commit to buying a horse. Since Dollar's ad didn't indicate who the seller was; Michelle had no idea it was me selling Dollar. However, once I confirmed it was her and she learned it was me, neither of us could wait for her to come meet him; and hope that it would be a perfect match.

For Michelle - it seemed like love at first sight but it was Dollar's reaction to Michelle that sold me. He was relaxed and calm and not pushy or fidgety - a testament to Michelle's calm, kind demeanor. Despite the obvious connection, we have arranged for Michelle to lease Dollar for a while to make sure he is indeed the right horse for her. I wouldn't want anyone to feel stuck with a horse they aren't enjoying because if the person isn't having fun, neither is the horse.

For purely selfish reasons, I couldn't be happier to have Michelle as another barn buddy. It also means that Dollar will get to stick around; and I will have more time to spend with Dexter, Navar and Skeeter.

Congratulations to Michelle on her "first" horse - may Dollar bring you all the pride and joy he brought to me!

Tovie and Dollar