Monday, May 24, 2010

May Long Weekend Adventure

Well I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful long weekend. Considering the forecast was calling for snow, we were lucky to not see a drop of rain. Gord and I took Magic and Nugget to Water Valley to help our friends with their annual branding. It is a terrific opportunity to catch up with folks we typically see only a few times a year; after the work is done.

This year there were 4 ropers catching calves and 3 teams of wrestlers, so it went very quickly and best of all, nobody got hurt for a change. One of the ropers was 14 year old Candace - pretty impressive to watch her focus and success. Candace has been competing at various roping competitions and is doing very well.

Nugget did a great job of helping round up the cattle to prepare for sorting considering his limited experience with cattle. Sunday, we went bushwack riding with Jimmy, Sherry and Lyle and their daughter Candace. The trails, in some areas, were nearly non-existent but Nugget didn't miss a beat. He bulldozed his way through the bush and bog as good as any seasoned trail horse.

Monday, I got to help cut a couple of cows that are going to be sold. Sherry let me ride her mare, Wages. It was quite an experience riding a seasoned cow horse - very exciting. There really is nothing like riding a responsive, willing horse.

Needless to say, it was another amazing horse experience - they just keep coming!

Bye for now,
Tovie & Nugget

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