Friday, May 14, 2010

Jonathan Field Clinic

I've just come back from 3 more fantastic horse days. I had the privelege of attending a Jonathan Field clinic up in Thorsby, AB this week. There are many great horse people out there, but being a great horse person does not necessarily make them a great teacher. Jonathan is a great teacher and horseman.

I had an opportunity to see Jonathan in action last year during a clinic, just west of Okotoks. I was introduced to Lisa Green through a mutual friend, Teresa van Bryce, because Lisa was looking for a horse to ride, and Teresa knew I had my hands full with three. I introduced Lisa to Skeeter and it was love at first sight. Then Lisa informed me that she had signed up for two upcoming clinics and asked if she could take Skeeter.

Clinics are a great way to increase your knowledge and improve your skills, so I try to take at least one clinic every year, and have taken clinics with some amazing folks (i.e. Ray Hunt, Alexandra Kurland, and Robin Hood, to name a few). I must say that Jonathan's clinic is one of the best I've ever attended. Not only is he respectful and kind towards each participant and their horse, he is extremely knowledgeable and observant. You come away feeling that you had his undivided attention, and that he really cares about your progress by providing positive encouragement and strategies to help you bring your horse along.

He is conducting a Level One clinic in Cochrane this coming weekend so if you have a chance, I would highly recommend going to watch.

Tovie & Nugget

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