Friday, March 11, 2011

Dexter is Home - WOO HOO!

This coming weekend, we are hosting a barefoot trimming clinic. Lisa Huhn of Equinextion is the clinician and we have 9 participants coming to learn about barefoot trimming. Anyone who knows me well, knows I am passionate about healthy feet for our horses.

Because Dexter has been difficult to catch for the past few months, he has not been trimmed for quite awhile. Since returning from Tennessee, I have been working hard on asking him to give me his feet politely and as usual, he has been amazing. Yesterday, Gord and I decided to bring him home so I could get him trimmed this weekend during the clinic, under the supervision of a professional.

We had no idea how he would load so we took our older stock trailer that is very open, to make it easier for him. Again, he was amazing. After sniffing and pawing at the trailer floor, with very little coaxing from behind, he jumped right in.

When we arrived home and introduced him to our other "Boys", there was very little squealing or posturing. We'll keep him in his own paddock for a few days while the other "Boys" get used to the idea that he will be staying, but we don't anticipate any trouble when we turn them all loose.

It feels so good to have him home and with the weather finally showing some sign of improving - let the fun begin!

A big thank you again Andrea for making this journey possible.

Tovie, Gord and Dexter

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't Dexter's new name Hum-V or Hummer? Lol