Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Playing With Dexter's Feet

Every day I have spent with Dexter since last Thursday has seen significant improvement. It is wonderful to see him so friendly and relaxed. Haltering is becoming more of a non-issue. I still haven't attached the lead line but haven't even needed it. The harmony and synchronization I feel with him as we move around the pasture is a beautiful thing.

Anyone who knows me will attest that I am foot (hoof) obsessed. Dexter hasn't been trimmed for quite some time. Since I do my own trimming, it is important for me to help him get comfortable giving me his feet. During one of our early get-togethers, Dexter wouldn't even let me touch his leg without darting away. I have been using TTouch on Dexter and have seen a steady improvement in his acceptance of being touched.

Yesterday I was able to do TTouch down his entire leg, right to the coronet band, so I started asking him to pick up his foot. Initially he would pick it up to step away but I would click and reward just as his foot started to shift back. Very quickly, he was gently handing me both front feet. It was important that I release his foot before he felt the need to pull it away from me. What many folks don't realize is how scary it can be for a horse to give us a foot. As prey animals, they rely on their legs, feet, and balance to run from predators. We shouldn't take for granted the trust it takes for our horse to surrender a foot to us - they are essentially giving up their ability to escape if they perceive danger.

There is no question it would make my life so much easier if Dexter were home with me. However, for the time being, I have stopped focusing on bringing him home. Our property is extremely icey so it is not a great environment to be introducing Dexter to the "Boys" - especially while they sort out the pecking order. Not to mention trailer loading to get him home. Andrea has graciously agreed to let him stay until it is safe to move him.

Thanks Andrea,
Tovie and Dexter

1 comment:

Jolene said...

I love reading about Dexter and your "lessons" This horse has struck gold when you came across him! Would love to meet him one day!