Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tragic Horse Week

As with any endeavour, we have to take the bad with the good. While there is a ton of joy that comes from horse ownership, there is inevitably sadness. Two ladies that came here as students and subsequently became my friends, tragically lost their horses this past week.

Cindy had been leasing a lovely older mare named Macs, for a couple of years. Macs taught Cindy a lot and Cindy adored Macs, and cared for her as her own. Sadly Macs broke her leg last week and had to be euthanized.

Linda and Tim have been coming out for lessons and were getting excited about purchasing their first horse. A couple of weeks ago, we went out to look at a 6 year old mare they were interested in. Dakota was a beautiful Fjord X, with a lovely disposition. She had loads of experience from her days at Griffen Valley Ranch, and would have been a perfect first horse. Linda and Tim made the decision to buy her and took her out to their property in Sundre. Now, I haven't been able to speak to them because they don't have cell service out there. I only received a message from Tim saying that 4 days after they got her home, she died from tying up. The vet thought it may have been caused by the stress of moving her. Now Dakota was a hardy little horse so it is hard to imagine how such a thing could happen. Horses are moved regularly without adverse affect.

Any of us who have experienced the excitement of getting our first horse, can't imagine the loss Linda and Tim are feeling.

I also met the young lady they bought Dakota from. Kayla was selling Dakota out of necessity and was very emotional about parting with her. She truly loved Dakota and was very happy Linda and Tim bought her. I can only imagine her grief as well.

Big hugs to Cindy, Linda, Tim and Kayla
and farewell to the two wonderful horses they loved, Macs & Dakota

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