Sunday, July 19, 2009

The "Boys" see the Dentist

Hello all,
Every year we have our "boys" teeth floated during their annual check-up from our vet. This year we decided to try out a Certified Equine Dentist, Grant MacKinnon. I had seen Grant at various conferences and was interested in what he had to say about overall balance of the mouth. We found Grant to be exceptionally knowlegeable and he had a talent for effectively explaining, in layman's terms, every aspect of what he was doing. We learned so much that day and were very impressed with what we saw. However, what impressed us more were the amazing results we felt when we test drove our "boys" over the next few days. They went straighter, held a frame better, and their lateral flexion was more even on both sides. Now, I realize some of you folks may not understand what some of that means, but trust me - if you have a horse and have an opportunity to use an equine dental specialist, the results are definitely worth it.

Aside from the tremendous job he did on the "boys" teeth, Grant is an avid barefooter and gave me a couple of tips about my own barefoot trimming that will undoubtedly improve my results.

Needless to say it was one of my more memorable horse days. Interestingly, memorable horse days typically occur when I am learning something extraordinary that I think will improve lifefor the "boys", or improve my interaction with them.

If you want to learn more about Grant's work, simply click on the title of this blogspot and you will be linked to Grant's web-site.

Thanks to Grant and Tamara MacKinnon for the fabulous work they do.

Tovie, Gord and the "Boys"

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