Monday, September 28, 2015

Beautiful Fall and Not so Beautiful Fall

Now that Fonzi has moved along, its me and Dexter again and with the fantastic fall weather, we've been enjoying some beautiful rides. A couple of weeks ago, Dexter and I were cantering in the field when he stumbled on some uneven ground and fell to his knees. There I was catapulting through the air over his head. Thankfully I was wearing my helmet and got up relatively unharmed so I decided to get back on and finish the ride on a good note. While the potential for injury is the same whether the horse stumbles, spooks, bucks, bolts, or rears, a horse falling doesn't seem to take the same emotional toll.

Last weekend, my friend Lena invited Gord and I to ride with her and some of her friends down at Waldron Ranch. The Ranch is located south of Claresholm in the gorgeous Porcupine Hills and riding these hills has long been on my bucket list. The colours were spectacular, the weather fantastic, and the people we rode with was one of the best groups of folks we have ever ridden with. Connie and her husband Mike are the Managers of the Waldron Ranch and Connie and her gorgeous buckskin, Valentine, were terrific guides.

Can`t thank Lena enough for inviting us along for the ride with Ken & Peggy, Sandy and Connie. Hope we can do it again.

Happy Fall!
Tovie, Dexter, Gord and Magic


Lena said...

Without a doubt we will do it again!

Lena said...

Anytime you want to go, I will want to go. Can't get enough of that place. With 77,000 acres your bound to ride new trails. It's always awes me every time I go out there to ride. I was a pleasure to spend the weekend with you two as always.

Thanks for coming.