The participants currently enrolled in the program are terrific and we're having a lot of fun Just Horsing Around. My experience has shown me that most people with no previous background think a horse is a horse of course. It has been helpful to have a variety of horses for folks to experience - ranging from very sensitive to rock solid. My hope is that participants gain an appreciation and respect for how challenging it can be for horses to fit into our hectic schedules. We are trusting horses with our lives and limbs - often with good intention but without adequate training or consistent handling. We simply cannot pull a horse out of the pasture or stall once a week and expect them to handle whatever it is we may ask of them. Over the years I have seen many horses that rarely get a visit, let alone handled. My goal is to share enough information to help people make a realistic, informed decision as to whether horse ownerhip is right for them. It is simply not enough to be horse crazy - you have to do the work!