Sunday, March 13, 2011

Barefoot Trimming Clinic with Lisa Huhn

This weekend we hosted a barefoot clinic; featuring Lisa Huhn of Equinextion. A huge thank you to all the participants, Connie, Lena, Cheryl, Russ, Clare, Sandra, Chelsie, Jennifer, and Susan for making this clinic another memorable horse event. There is nothing I enjoy more than spending a weekend with other horse crazy folks.

Some folks brought their equine partners and it was a pleasure to meet the various horses and see their different feet. A huge hit (literally) were Connie's belgium's Max, Tom, and Charlie. They were absolutely gorgeous and we watched with envy as Connie rode off bareback after the clinic.

Barefoot trimming has been a passion of mine for the past three years and Lisa shared with us, her own unique technique. It will be interesting to see what changes occur to the "Boys'" feet over the next few weeks.

Aside from the trimming, Lisa mentioned the benefits of supplementing our horses with kelp and apple cider vinegar - something else to try for optimal health.

I wasn't sure how Dexter would be in the barn as I have no idea if he'd ever been inside before. He was understandably anxious but with terrific team work, we were able to get his feet trimmed up and they look absolutely beautiful.

During the clinic, Lisa came up with the idea that we should change Dexter's name and some how the name Hummer came up. Apparently, there is a new show on TV, where Dexter is a serial killer. However, as often as I tried to call him Hummer, it just didn't work for me. I don't have negative thoughts when I say Dexter and in fact really like his name; so Dexter it will stay. Gord told me later that in the TV show, Dexter only eliminates bad guys so is in fact a good serial killer.

Birgitta came by to take photos. Check out the before and after photos of one of Dexter's hind feet. Now you can see why I was so anxious to spend time teaching him to give me his feet-what a difference a good trim makes. He was so much more comfortable and relaxed after his feet felt better.

Here is to happy, healthy horses with terrific bare feet!
Tovie and Dexter

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