Sunday, January 18, 2009

Open House January 24, 2008 1:00 - 4:00

There were several folks who contacted me in 2008 expressing a keen interest in learning about horses. I completely understand how the serious business of life can get in the way of doing fun things, especially when you don't know what the fun is all about. So, we decided to host an Open House next Saturday, January 24th and invite folks to come out and see what the program is all about and meet the horses. Initially, I only invited folks who haven't been out before, but then thought it would be a great opportunity to invite past participants to stop by and say hi to us, and the "boys" of course. Because our sessions are one-on-one, it is easy to form great relationships with our students and I miss them when they move on to the next phase of their adventure (some take riding lessons, others purchase a beloved first horse, and others are satisfied to have learned just for satisfaction of knowing more about what makes horses tick). I have sadly discovered there isn't enough time in a day to keep in touch with each and every student or I would be on the computer all the time instead of out in the barn "Horsing Around".

Hope to meet you or catch up with you next week!
Tovie, Gord and the "Boys"


The Davies Bunch said...

Hello Tovie,
Our 14 year old twins have been riding English for about a year now and one loves it. The other just wants to ride for the love of the horses and for the ride. The other loves horses as well, but we think she is happy where she is. We would love to come out and see what you are all about and perhaps this might just be the fit for our girl(s).
See you on Saturday!
The Davies Bunch
Brent, Rhea (Dad and Mom), Mikaela and Reilly-Anne.

The Davies Bunch said...

Could you please give us your "address" we would like to come to the open house, but don't know where to go, except that it is close to DeWinton?