Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Aggie Days 30th Anniversary - April 8-12, 2015

As a Stampede committee member of Draft Horse Town, I decided to help out with Aggie Days this year and had an absolute blast. Many thanks to Gord, friends and past students who came down to volunteer - it wouldn't have been as much fun without you.

I was asked to read a story and one of my friends recommended a little book about Farmer the Horse. It is a true story about a draft horse, named Farmer, that lived on one of the Magdalen Islands in eastern Canada in the 1920's. Farmer was sold to a man from one of the other islands and one day someone left the gate open. Farmer managed to find his way down the entire long island and then swim 4 kms across the ocean to return to his home on the smaller island. We thought it would be fun to have Magic be there for the reading. Although we ended up getting bumped from the reading corner for lack of time, Magic was a huge hit with kids of all ages as he patiently permitted them to pet and feed him little bits of hay for 5 days straight.

The two igallop machines we are also very popular with the "Kids". If you've never seen an igallop - it is an abdominal/core exercise machine that simulates a horse walking. Ellen DeGeneres has a funny YouTube video about the igallops. We thought it would be fun for kids to feel what it would be like to ride a horse and we were right - the kids loved it!

Draft Horse Town featured a trivia contest throughout Aggie Days and the prize for the contest was an opportunity to come out and enjoy an afternoon with our "Boys".  Melissa Malejko won the contest and is very excited to come out with her family to spend some up close and personal time with the "Boys".

Tovie, Gord, and Magic