Just when we thought our family was complete, along comes a teenie weenie little kitten with big attitude, that we decided to name Goblin. My daughter, Amber, found him at her office building in downtown Calgary, on Halloween day. Fearful that he might not find a home if she took him to a shelter, she decided Clover could use a little buddy at the farm. I'm not sure a kitten was on Clover's wish list but after a couple of days, they have indeed become great buddies. It is such a joy to watch them wrestle, chase, and play hide and seek with each other. By all estimates, he was about 8 weeks old when he arrived, so we've designated September 1, 2011 as his birthday.
Despite his diminutive stature, he doesn't back down from Ryder's exuberant curiosity. Goblin stands his ground hissing and slashing a warning to the big boy to back off - perhaps we should have named him Freddie Kruger. Hopefully Ryder won't have to learn the hard way, with a sharp little claw to the nose, that Goblin isn't interested in playing with him.
We think he'll make a great farm cat because he is so friendly and yet feisty at the same time. He has a wonderful mentor in Clover so mice beware!
Enjoy the rest of our beautiful fall weather.
Tovie and the farm kitties, Goblin and Clover