This weekend I had the ultimate privilege of participating in the Extreme Cowboy Race, clinic and demonstration. The event was hosted by the Stampede Board and was held during the Acreage & Lifestyle show. The clinic was led by world reknown and respected horseman and clinician, Craig Cameron; an incredible teacher that hails from Texas. Click on "Extreme Cowboy Race" (above) to learn more about Craig's amazing career and the Extreme Race.
I took Outback Jack and we were both so completely out of our league and comfort zone that I actually considered withdrawing from the clinic so as not to embarass myself and more importantly, put undue stress on Jack. I am so glad I didn't withdraw because we received amazing support and encouragement, not only from Craig Cameron, but from other participants. Because of that support, Jack and I are a far more confident team. It was truly only of the best horse experiences because of the people I rode with. They could have easily written me off and judged that I had no business being there but instead they were cheering and offering advice that helped us improve.
Our friends, Dave and Lisa, came down and took video coverage of our runs so if you are interested, check out the YouTube clip, located in the right hand column of the blog site under "Our Favourite U Tube Videos".
The participants ranged from professional trainers who ride full time; and riders who grew up riding and showing, to backyard keeners like me that muddle along with videos and magazines and juggle our riding schedule between jobs and family.
As good as Jack is, I believe that Jack's biggest problem has always been me and I really felt that more this weekend than ever. When I become unravelled, so does he. When I can stay calm and present in the moment, so does he.
Both we and our horses can achieve greater accomplishment through gentle persuasion and patient guidance. As intimidating as it can be, surround yourself with excellence and wisdom; but more importantly, be receptive to learning what others are willing to share.
Happy Spring!
Tovie and Outback Jack