Hello all,
To our blog followers, I apologize for neglecting to post for awhile. I appreciate your interest and am grateful you have expressed your disappointment because it tells me you enjoy reading the blog. I promise to work harder at posting regular updates.
As you know, 2009 was a bit of a downer with the loss of so many wonderful four legged companions, but I am happy to report the "Boys" are fluffy and happy. We managed to get in quite a bit of riding over the holidays which was a nice change over last winter.
2010 is already off to a great start and we'll be "Horsing Around" more than ever. Lori Kovach, from the Calgary Board of Education, recently visited to review our program and check out the facility. Lori advised us today, they will be adding our program to their Continuing Education roster. While we didn't get the details sorted out in time to be published in their brochure, the course information will be posted on their web-site under Chinook Learning Services, so keep an eye out for that.
Our first course will run four Thursday's in May (excluding the Thursday before the long weekend). We will still be offering the private one-on-one sessions but for you social folks who enjoy learning in a group environment, this will be a great option.
Happy 2010!
Tovie, Gord, and the "Boys"