Well, nothing like great publicity to help spread the word. Delaney Seiferling's very well written article in the November issue of Sun Country has created tremendous response. Only problem is, I have changed jobs since I spoke to Delaney and the phone number published in the article is my old work number. The number to call is; 938-5450 (evenings) or the best way is by e-mail at justhorsearound@gmail.com.
Despite the error, we've got a good group starting up in January. Some folks have called to order gift certificates for their favourite horse crazy person so I've got my very creative hubby busy doing up gift certificates. "All Done"
The "Boys" and I are starting to wind down for the Holiday Season, although there are a few devoted students who want to keep Horsing Around through the holidays. That is just fine with me because there isn't anything I'd rather be doing.
I think the "Boys" are enjoying all the attention they have received this weekend. They have never been so spoiled and they all deserve it because they have been absolutely phenominal while teaching all the "Newbies". Thank you to Irene for the wonderful bag of molasses treats and Gail and Glen for the amazing basket of goodies.
Gail put together a variety basket of veggies and fruits and we brought all the "Boys" into the barn and did a taste test to see who preferred what. It was great fun. After the "Boys" got their treats, Gail brought out some wonderful treats and some "Christmas Cheer" for us too, and we kicked off the holiday season.
Many thanks to you all,
Tovie, Gord & the "Boys"